Located in Central Kentucky, Quarles Farms encompasses the very heart of family farming and brings it right to your door with our home grown local products that are marketed directly to customers though Farmers Markets and off the farm sales. We take pride in producing products that are picked, processed and packaged by family members. When buying Quarles Farm products, you essentially become part of our Family. Our Family knows, grows and picks all our products. We put our heart and soul in our product and expect our high standards to speak for our family standards.

Quarles Farm is broken down into several different enterprises that all come back to serve one family unit. Quarles Quality Beef, Sheep and Goat provides our best farm born raised and pasture grazed animals for your eating pleasure. Jan's Delights appeal to any culinary delight one might desire, with several varieties Jan's Delights have that wow factor that complete any meal. Our gardens provide wholesome produce grown in Kentucky soil. Our meat products are ready to ship all over the United States, all other items are always ready to pick up at the farm and our two market outlets.